Motion Sickness: A problem that many people are suffering from but nobody is paying attention to.
Today, we bring good news to everyone!
Motion Sickness is finally resolved thanks to the wonders of Anti-Motion sickness bracelet.
No more nausea, no more motion sickness, no more morning sickness, no more hangover!
And most importantly, no more over-the-counter medicines that damage your liver!
Yes, you read that right! As soon as we heard about this helpful band, we had to get one.
To our surprise, a lot of people have already experienced the benefits it brings. We are actually a little late, but with the
After using it, I completely understand why this wristband has taken over the world by storm for its undeniably effective approach.
So, how does this band really help fight nausea and many other ailments?
The best way to answer your question is to go back in the past, learn about the approach used in designing the band, and understand the science behind it.
If you’re curious to try it for yourself, I’ve arranged a deal below where readers of my blog get a special price if they order via the button below.
Curious to learn more, keep on reading!
A Traditional Healing Practice in a Band
Have you ever heard of Acupressure, an ancient healing method practiced in Asia to fight certain illnesses and ailments?
For starters, we want to clear out that acupressure is different from acupuncture. Although acupressure uses the same pressure points as acupuncture does, there is no use of a needle in acupressure.
Instead, an expert acupressure practitioner applies pressure to certain pressure points using fingers to target different ailments.
This principle is the same principle applied when Anti-motion sickness bands were designed.
How can we get the benefits of acupressure anytime and anywhere we go without having to pay hundreds of dollars to a practitioner?
With this dilemma, Anti-Motion Sickness Band was born.
The Science Behind This Groundbreaking Work
We did some digging to find scientific evidence that shows it works. The band features a gentle pressure ball that applies pressure to your wrist, The pressure point popular in different names: Pericardium 6, P6, PC6, or Nei Guan.
According to UCLA Center for East-west Medicine, “Nei Guan (P6 or PC6) is commonly used to help relieve nausea, upset stomach, motion sickness, carpal tunnel syndrome, and headaches”
Additionally, they said that a lot of research shows that the stimulation of P6 alleviates nausea and vomiting in pregnancy, prevents postoperative nausea and vomiting.
In fact, it does not stop there. Other scientific studies also discovered that the stimulation of Nei Guan has also been shown to aids in reducing intractable hiccups.
Mark Richardson | Los Angeles, CA
Although I have been a pilot for 5 years, I still get dizzy and nauseous after long flights. I have tried taking several anti-nausea drugs but I don’t like them. I will be a pilot for as long as I can and I don’t wanna be drug dependent just to treat my problems.
When I saw this band, I honestly had so many of my doubts about it. However, I was also desperate in finding a natural way to get rid of my problem. I am happy to share with you guys that it worked for me. In fact, I had to share how happy I was with his band with my crew.
Betina Matthews | Seattle, WA
As soon as I was 7 weeks pregnant, I started experiencing morning sickness. I thought I wasn’t gonna have them because it was already past the date I expected it to happen to me. I mean, some get it at 3 weeks pregnant and I was way past that. But I WAS WRONG.
Every day was a dreadful feeling. Not just morning. I literally felt nauseated all day. I would feel bad in the morning but I also felt worse in the evening when I come home from work. Unfortunately, I can’t take any meds for the baby so it was a nightmare. A week has gone and my husband probably feeling my suffering so he got me one of these.
I would wear them to work and surprisingly, the nauseated feeling toned down and eventually went away. Thanks for making such a helpful product!
Jacqueline Lopez | Albany, NY
Before I had major surgery, I got recommendations from my doctors to get one of these anti-motion sickness band if I didn’t wanna go though postoperative nauseousness and vomiting. He said I should get one of these so the nauseous aftereffect of the drugs will not be too severe.
My doctor said I handled it well after the operation. Since it worked for me, I shared it with my friend. I read on the packaging that these also help nausea felt by chemotherapy patients.
Kendra Faraday | San Jose, CA
Every time we go on a trip, my youngest always complains about her nausea. These worked for her!
Robert Ronson | Sedona, AZ
I got it for my daughter and I. They’ve worked well for her. She works as a flight crew and whenever she’s how she always complains about feeling dizzy. Like the world is always moving around her. I just got tired of it. Haha. I got it too because I have carpal tunnel syndrome from working a lot with a typewriter in the police station.
SAY CHEESE! My name is Mike and I love technology, software, and crypto. I grew up around my ‘nerdy’ engineering parents who’ve worked for high tech start-ups and aerospace companies. They’ve taught me everything I know, from destructing the latest phones to playing around with drones, writing lines of code and investing in cryptocurrencies. I take things apart, put them back together and add some (code). I breathe and live tech and can’t wait to teach you more!
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